International Business Innovation Association (InBIA) | MEET-USA.COM Portal

International Business Innovation Association (InBIA)

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A global non-profit with over 2,200 members that lead entrepreneurship support organizations
InBIA is a global non-profit with over 2,200 members that lead entrepreneurship support organizations in 62 countries. InBIA provides industry best practices through education while enabling collaboration, mentorship, peer-based learning, and the sharing of innovative ideas for entrepreneurs across the globe. We are the largest member-based entrepreneurial support network in the world. For over 30 years, InBIA has remained the leader in providing the best industry resources for building thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems through sustainable entrepreneurial programs across a wide scope of industries and disciplines. We are the go-to organization for business incubators, accelerators, coworking spaces, and other entrepreneurship support organizations who are dedicated to nurturing the unique startups in their communities.

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