Barry University | MEET-USA.COM Portal

Barry University

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Barry University is located in Miami Shores, Florida, and is a private, Catholic institution with a history of academic excellence in the Dominican tradition. Founded in 1940, the University enrolls 2,747 full-time undergraduate students and 3,748 graduate students.

Grounded in the liberal arts tradition, Barry University is a scholarly community committed to the highest academic standards in undergraduate, graduate and professional education.

In the Catholic intellectual tradition, integration of study, reflection and action inform the intellectual life. Faithful to this tradition, a Barry education and university experience foster individual and communal transformation where learning leads to knowledge and truth, reflection leads to informed action, and a commitment to social justice leads to collaborative service.

Barry University provides opportunities for affirming our Catholic identity, Dominican heritage, and collegiate traditions. Catholic beliefs and values are enriched by ecumenical and interfaith dialog.

Through worship and ritual, we celebrate our religious identity while remaining a University community where all are welcome.


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