Oakland University
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Oakland University is a world-class academic institution located on 1,443 acres of wooded hills and meadows in Rochester, Michigan. A vibrant academic community, Oakland University currently enrolls more than 19,000 students, boasts nearly 100,000 alumni, and delivers more than 275 degree and certificate programs.
The university was established in 1957 through a generous donation from founders Alfred and Matilda Dodge Wilson. They contributed their historic estate and $2 million to Michigan State University to establish a satellite school, named Michigan State University – Oakland.
Oakland provides a distinct educational experience with flexible class schedules and state-of-the-art facilities, student services, classroom technologies, research labs, internships and research opportunities with corporate partners. Located in the heart of Oakland County's Automation Alley, the university has forged hundreds of partnerships with hospitals, Fortune 500 companies, cities, government agencies and educational institutions.
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