Riverine Fisheries International, LLC | MEET-USA.COM Portal

Riverine Fisheries International, LLC

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Riverine Fisheries International, LLC owns and operates fishing boats, a factory vessel-M/V Riverine Enterprise, and onshore distribution facility on the Mississippi River near Hickman, KY for the purpose of catching and processing the invasive Asian carp.

Fields of study

Riverine Fisheries was incorporated in 2013 for the purpose for catching and processing the invasive Asian carp, both Silver and Bighead, in the central Mississippi River watershed area.

With headquarters in Hickman, Kentucky, Riverine can source fish from within a 400 mile radius, caught by locally based fishing vessels and delivered by truck for processing.

The products are produced aboard the “Riverine Enterprise”, a 350’ long factory vessel which has a long history of working as a “mother” ship in various Bering Sea fisheries and East Coast Fisheries. She has been converted to handle Asian carp specifically.  The product will then be transported to our Hickman Kentucky facility.

In addition, certain products are done at our 75,000 sq. ft. facility in Hickman which is also used for storage and shipping of product as well as net and vessel repair for our catcher boats.

Our management team has a wealth of experience in factory vessel operation as well as various types of fishing, processing and sales.

We believe that the estimated biomass of Asian carp will be available as a raw material for a very long time to come.  Asian carp based products have a big part to play in the seafood industry given their abundance and excellent taste.

Our efforts have the full support of federal, state and local officials as the more we catch of this invasive specie, the more habitat we free up for native species which are being pushed out by the carp. This fishery works for everybody so we are confident that we will be a large part of it in the future.

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