University of Louisville | MEET-USA.COM Portal

University of Louisville

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The University of Louisville is a state-supported research university located in Kentucky's largest metropolitan area.The University has three campuses. The 287-acre Belknap Campus is three miles from downtown Louisville and houses seven of the university's 12 colleges and schools. The Health Sciences Center is situated in downtown Louisville's medical complex and houses the university's health-related programs and the University of Louisville Hospital. The 243-acre Shelby Campus is located in eastern Jefferson County. With more than 200 degree programs available, you have the flexibility to explore educational paths and career options that are just right for you.
The University of Louisville shall be a premier, nationally recognized metropolitan research university with a commitment to the liberal arts and sciences and to the intellectual, cultural, and economic development of our diverse communities and citizens through the pursuit of excellence in five interrelated strategic areas:
1) Educational Experience,
2) Research, Creative, and Scholarly Activity,
3) Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Communication,
4) Partnerships and Collaborations,
5) Institutional Effectiveness of Programs and Services.


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